Intellectual wobble through the world


Intellectual wobble through the world

The idiosyncrasy has a meaning, the meaning derives from idiosyncrasy. This is a process one cannot learn at school. (Februar 2004)

Material as leading motivation. The material demands what only the producer of kitsch can ignore. The material I use inspires me: the industrial colour, which, when used without thinner, will not smoothly cling to the surface but attaches itself in the form of sticky drops. Linol, which doesn't allow of too fine a work. Linol, which even in the cut out surfaces takes a few traces of colour and in the left surfaces takes colour in random thickness/consistency. Eventually the printing the "wrong" way round, because the linol block, which is the printing medium is being pressed onto the canvas, which lies on hard ground. The removing of each printing block is an adventure - and what is that stands. (March 2004)

A work of art grows like a pearl in a shell: at the beginning there is a disturbing incident, to which there has to be a reaction. (May 2004)

I try to be prepared for nothing. Only then I can react rather appropriately. Here you can see a connection to the goal in my life: to replace the conditioned mental reflexes by <break and reboot>. A person who believes himself or herself to be prepared for everything thinkable, is wrong; he or she is at best prepared for what has been thought of. Alan Turing found out, that there are problems of which one cannot say whether they are soluble until the actual solution has been found. (May 2004)

I make, as far as possible, a kind of independent art. That does not mean working in a cultural vacuum. My art simply deals more with my life than with art's life. Nevertheless it is not expressive. Instead of wanting to express myself, I would like to materialize some works of art which as yet seem to be lacking in this world. I don't want to explain or transfigure or make puzzles. I want to share my experiences in a special way with anyone who cares to look at my works. I am lucky to have had enough time and not to belong to any school or scene of arts. (2005)

For my part: I don't like to be sponsored. I like to sell to anybody who can find a value for themselves in my paintings. It is not my business wherein this value lies, may that be in aesthetics, decoration, investment or something else. It is not my business, wether the sold work of art will be seen by one person, by many persons or by none at all. I would be happy by the thought, that the work could be seen by many - but I am neither collector nor arts manager, I'm the artist. (July 2005)

Every coincidence in my paintings is pure intention. (August 2005)

When I was younger, if I wasn't doing too well I used to listen to John Coltrane. I did not feel much better after that, but I got back a feeling for a place, for my place in this world. Today I get this feeling from listening to the Pet Shop Boys. (I don't like the cheap formula of "hand made" music; of course, in the music as well as in the arts the resulting work depends on the materials, that is, on the tools one works with and on the material one works on. But the material itself does not determine the quality of a work of art. Knowing nothing about one's materials, one can have good results only accidentally. That's why there exists so much dreadful "hand made" music). (January 2009)


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